Considering this a rare treat - Millar lives in Scotland and Harris in the South - I asked my girlfriend Irina to snap some picts. Here they are in chronological order.

Mark Millar (l) and Tony Harris (r) talking with fans and cracking jokes. And if you look closely, that's me in the far left, waiting on line and hoping that the pictures come out well.

Millar and Harris autograph a fan's recently taken-and-developed picture of themselves at this event. Very meta moment.

I asked Millar if it's cool to have a picture taken with him. As I was about to ask Harris if he'd mind getting in the picture, Millar smiled and Irina hit the button. Harris tried to get out of frame but apparently it wasn't far enough.

That's my nervous, goofy smile. (Yeah, I was a bit nervous meeting them, which is highly uncommon for me. I guess it's the fact that I have lots of respect and admiration for these guys and their work.)
I asked Mr. Harris to get into the picture - my initial intent was a picture of us three - and above is the result.
Thanks to Midtown Comics for hosting this special event and making sure everything ran smoothly. And thanks to Mr. Millar and Mr. Harris for staying well after their agreed upon time, being fun guys, and creating great comics.
© Frank Reynoso, Oct. 2008, All Rights Reserved
War Heroes cover courtesy of Image Comics, War Heroes © Mark Millar and Tony Harris, 2008
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