Friday, October 03, 2008

Jeff Faerber and Rusty Zimmerman art at Repop, Brooklyn

Frequent contributors to The Indypendent, Jeff Faerber and Rusty Zimmerman are showing their amazing work at Repop. Tonight is the opening.

As quote from Jeff's blog:

Rusty Zimmerman
and I are having work up at Repop in Brooklyn

68 Washington Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11205 US
Friday, October 3, 7:30PM
See Rust's work here:
Rusty Zimmerman dot com

Handsome paintings, vintage furniture, cold beer and wine, and the odd taxidermied head. Join Jeff and Rusty for a drink and a peek at recent paintings by both. 7:30pm to 11:00pm.
Visit www. repopny. com for directions Cheers, --rz and jf

1 comment:

RZ said...

Hey Mate,
thanks, retroactively, for the sweet plug. These are the things you find when you google yourself.
