Mark Andrew Smith and Matthew Weldon are at it again with a new installment of the kickass comic
New Brighton Archeological Society. This time around they're raising money through
Kickstarter. Below is a Wired Magazine Q&A with the writer.
And while you're at it, read their first book at their
Why Kickstarter May Save Independent Comic Books: Q&A With Author Mark Andrew SmithBy Dave Banks
When we first read
The New Brighton Archeological Society two years ago, we immediately recognized what a great story was being told. Finally,
here was an all ages graphic novel that treated kids intelligently and was really entertaining at the same time.
So we were surprised to see that the sequel was going to require some Kickstarter funding to get going. Surely a critical darling like The New Brighton Archeological Society didn’t need funding to get off the ground, did it? To find out more, we asked the book’s author, Mark Andrew Smith, about the New Brighton saga, Kickstarter, and the state of all ages’ books today.
New Brighton Archeological Society Image © Mark Andrew Smith, Mar. 2011