Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Islamophobia Illustration

I did this illustration for an upcoming story on in The Indypendent. The article is on how the right wing use Islamophobia to unify people and fleece them of their money. I'll post a link to the article once it's online.

© Frank Reynoso, Sept. 2010, All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

...and the dead shall rise, NECROMANCER

A page from "Necromancer" by Keith McCleary and moi. This sick little gem will be in the latest Terminal Press anthology Zombie BOMB! #3, which will debut at the New York Comic Con, Oct. 8 - 10, 2010. Swing by the Terminal Press booth at the NYCC to get your copy or I'll eat your BRAINS!!

Necromancer Panels

Here are some panels from the upcoming horror comic "Necromancer," scrawled by Keith McCleary and rendered by yours truly. This sick little gem will be in the latest Terminal Press anthology Zombie BOMB! #3, which will debut at the New York Comic Con, Oct. 8 - 10, 2010. Swing by the Terminal Press booth to get your copy or I'll eat your BRAINS!!